Accuracy: Automation versus Human
100% accuracy is agnostic to any industry, it frankly just doesn't exist.
Given the statement above, let's dive a bit deeper in the comparison between automation versus human data entry/stare & compare.
According to an article posted by ConnectPointz in August 2022 (*source listed below) human error rates range between 1-4% as opposed to Automation produced results which generally return error rates hovering around 2.5%.

Now let's factor in some compensating factors:
Automated solutions return results 5-10x faster
Automated solutions get more accurate over time
Automated solutions are cheaper
Automated solutions don't get tired or complacent
Given automated solutions are able to achieve more accurate results compared to humans combined with the compensating factors listed above, it's time to take action and adopt automation for monotonous tasks such as document indexing and data extraction.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us directly with any questions or to schedule a demo!
*source (